The colors of Sicily

Shakespeare (immagine inserita in rete il 15/4/2000) Shakespeare was a Sicilian heritical? Trscele piccolo - (immagine inserita in rete il 15/4/2000)

An historical expert builds back the Bard's origins,
a Crollalanza escaped in England.
Taken from the "Il Corriere della Sera" of the 13 April 2000

Shake means "scrolla" and speare means "lancia"; in Italian, Shakespeare would be called Crollalanza, but, a researcher of Ragusa, Marino Juvara, removes the conditional and supports (in an arcticle anticipated from the magazine OGGI) that the Bard was called Michelangelo, son of the Sicilian physician Giovanni Florio and of Guglielmina Crollalanza.
The thesis was already advanced from lettered like Palladino Santi that in the text of a Lutheran of name Michelangelo Florio; discovered (1925) some proverbs found in the Amleto. Now Juvara has put the wedges of many studies together offering a suggestive mosaic also if the larg part of the public opinion will find it unreliable. Therefore, Giovanni Florio left Palermo as he wrote a libel against the doctrinal closings of the Church, mending with the family to Venice, in the palace built for the commander Sir Otello, that according to a legend, would have killed, Desdemona, the wife, for jealousy.
The young Michelangelo graduated in grammar and philosophy at Padova where Giordano Bruno frequented too. His love for Juliet, daughter of a Milanese Count, was opposed due to religious motives. She killed herself and he escaped in England beside the maternal cousin that had already changed his name from Crollalanza in Shekespeare. The reconstruction is accurate, also if it deprives the decisive proofs. Certainly a third of his production,15 on 37, are played in Italy and in the Veneto in particular (from Romeo and Juliet to The two gentlemen of Verona, from Otello to The Merchant of Venice) but that is not enough to clarify the mystery of an identity for a long time uncertain. To explain the inspiration "Italian," however, the encyclopedias speak about his contacts "with Italian humanists adventurers like Giovanni Florio," same name of his father in the Juvara version. coincidence that the researcher doesn't quote but that would carry water to his mill.

Cesare Medail

The article is taken from " Il Corriere della Sera "
of April 13 2000; page 35
Angelo Grifasi did the translation

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